Entering the Unknown: Mr. Wolf in the GD

Teaching in a specific environment and classroom setting for a certain amount of time, teachers adapts a personal and unique style of teaching and way of interacting with students. Since Regis Jesuit is separated into the boys and girls schools, the teaching styles differ a great amount between the two. In years past, it has not been common for a teacher to teach at both the boys and girls division, but recently the school has opted to improve upon that.

For Mr. Rick Wolf, he takes on a great feat not many others have. After teaching in the boys school for the past 14 years, he takes on a new challenge. Teaching freshman girls theology. 

“I happened to have had this period (3R) off in the boys division so it fit in pretty well with my schedule” said Wolf. Taking over for Mrs. Cole’s 3R class, Mr. Wolf has taken all of this in stride. “And on a personal level I wanted to see what it was like teaching over here after 14 years of being at Regis (boys division)”.

Not everything has come easy to Mr. Wolf since beginning his new journey. Wolf also added, “This was a good opportunity and professionally to challenge myself a little bit because it’s been pretty challenging. It is a lot different”.

One of the biggest things Mr. Wolf has experienced in his time at the girls division is that the girls in his class are very relational. He said that they love to know about his kids and his wife on a regular basis. “ For the first time in 14 years I was asked how I proposed to my wife, this was the first day” he added.

Adapting to his new environment and picking up new ways to approach his students, the experience has been nothing but a positive experience for Mr. Wolf. 

Starting out being quite nervous at the beginning of the semester, he feels that he is more welcome over at the girls division now. Working over there and interacting with more of the teachers has allowed him to gain a broader and better perspective of Regis.

“This has been awesome, but I really do feel kind of a call to stay in the boys division… but that could change” Wolf said. 

After his semester in the girls division, Mr. Wolf hopes that he will have the opportunity to possibly teach with both the boys and girls. For the 14 year man of Regis, the unknown is no more.