By Mariano Adame ’20
Often time it is easy for a nurse to fly under the radar, unnoticed and not too many people know them by name. Ms. Dwyer is one such nurse.
The head Girls Division Nurse is always wearing a big smile ready to greet anyone who wants to come talk to her or needs help.
As a young student Mrs. Dwyer was bullied and didn’t have too many friends. This childhood harrassment is what ultimately led her towards her passion which is to help people in and around her community who possibly feel the same way she did as a student.
“You’ve got a kid who’s trying to make their way and it isn’t working out for them” says Dwyer, “being there to listen and watch them struggle but more importantly helping them through that struggle is what really motivates me.”
Dwyer also gives a lot of credit to her mother who instilled values of caring and compassion in her from a young age.

When she thinks about the problem of bullying its those values she thinks about.
“I get very emotional.” Dwyer recalls, “I always wonder how would I handle that situation if I was a bystander how would I jump in and help.”
When she was in school unlikely friends popped out of nowhere for Dwyer and she is hoping to be that unlikely friend for others.
Having the insight of what its like to not “fit in” makes her job easier because she has a the power to make connections with the students and this gives them a way to feel comfortable around her.
As a student in high school Dwyer was already inclined to become a student athletic trainer and worked as a volunteer. Her main reason at first was so she could meet people while at the same time helping and creating bonds. However she eventually fell in love with it and knew she wanted to pursue a career in athletic training.
“I’m the nurse, a nursing and medical career are not only about the physical but also emotional which keeps me busy doing what I love,” she says.
Mrs. Dwyer is happy in the position she is in right now and wouldn’t trade it for the world. Although it’s not easy, seeing the smiles on people faces everyday reassures her that she chose the right career.