The Importance of Masks Due to COVID

How much masks help to reduce the spread of COVID


A sign to show everyone that makes are needed in public (Wikimedia commons)

Any mask is better than no mask. During the beginning of this COVID pandemic, researchers’ main goal was to find out how the virus was spreading, but now we know what the risks are and how to reduce them.



“You can cut your risk by 65 percent just by wearing a mask,” said Rick Kushman from UC Davis.


Scientists like Kushman and Bloomberg have been dedicated to finding and explaining the answers to everyone’s COVID problems.


“We’ve learned more due to research and additional scientific evidence. What we know now is that masks work and are very important,” said Bloomberg.


There are two main ways of transmission of the virus that the public is aware of, and one of them is almost completely negated by wearing a mask.


“The first is via droplets a carrier expels, which are about one-third the size of a human hair but still large enough that we can see them. Masks create an effective barrier against droplets,” said Ristenpart.


The main way to stop the spread of this virus is by wearing masks and staying spread apart, yet some people still don’t believe that’s the right thing to do.


“People who don’t wear a mask increase the risk of transmission to everyone, not just the people they come into contact with. It’s all the people those people will have contact with,” said Bloomberg.


“Everyone should wear a mask,” Blumberg said. “People who say, ‘I don’t believe masks work,’ are ignoring scientific evidence. It’s not a belief system. It’s like saying, ‘I don’t believe in gravity.