Sign Language In Schools

The benefits of teaching sign language


In the world today communicate is key. About 0.22% of americas population is deaf and learning American Sign Language in schools at a young age should be important.

Today it is easier to become more aware of others struggles with all the media and one of those struggles is a deaf person’s inability to interact with society in simple ways. If people learned sign language at a young age the understanding and communication with the deaf in America would get better.

A deaf person communicating with sign language is still limited. Although many people know and use Sign Language it would be better if more people stepped up to learn. Once learning the basics someone could be able to communicate with more people. With the world feeling disconnected today it is important to be able to connect with and be involved with other people. Not only does sign language help communication but it helps us understand what communication limits deaf people can have. It helps us understand what others go through and see their challenges or else we can’t help improve those situations.

Sign Language also helps with listening skills. Learning a new language can be complex but someone could also learn to focus on those speaking to them. Sign language requires focus on facial expressions and body movements that can be learned with practice.

Some people might say that 0.22% is just simply not enough to spent the time and possible money on a teacher to learn. The benefits of learning would be far better and worth a persons time. Someone could also think that it is easy to understand their struggles without learning a new language. However, it is best to understand the struggles of others if you want understand them better. Learning sign language would give that understanding.

The communication, understanding of deaf, and learning skills can help America grow and communicate. Teaching sign language in schools would give many benefits and would also improve the communication with the deaf using sign language.

It’s easy to push the thought of the people who require sign language to communicate away but it is important not to. If we take the time to learn and grow we can help others.