COVID During Black Friday

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Black Friday occurred on November 27th 2020 and was done quite differently than the past years due to Covid-19. Many precautions were taken in order for everything to work out and be done safely and healthy.
Most stores had much stricter policies this year because of the pandemic. Many different steps were taken to make it possible and many businesses did deals differently this year and made sure to make it a fair game to everyone wanting to participate in Black Friday 2020.
“If you still insist on having a Black Friday experience inside a store, stop and reevaluate your priorities.” Says Tamara Palmer. “Seriously, there is no reason to go into a store in the middle of a pandemic.” Many Americans are mad that some people are going out and shopping on one of the most busy days of the year amid the pandemic.
The crowds for Black Friday this year were much smaller than prior years because of Covid-19. There were less deals this year because it was already anticipated for there to be less shopper out and more deals online.
“Crowds were smaller this year than last after chains like Walmart Inc. and Best Buy Co. Inc. put their Black Friday promotions online and, alongside Inc., encouraged people to buy early in the season.” Said Suzanne Kapner, Charity L. Scott and Sarah Nassauer.
Many stores are trying to figure out the best option for shoppers to stay safe but also make give to give the public amazing deals like every year. Walmart is extending their deals and many other stores like Home Depot, Target and Best Buy are doing the same.
“We’ve been very thoughtful as we planned this year’s event. By spreading deals out across multiple days and making our hottest deals available online, we expect the Black Friday experience in our stores will be safer and more manageable for both our customers and our associates,” Said Scott Mcall, executive vice president and chief merchandising officer for Walmart.
“I think you need to be sensitive to the circumstances. There is no reason to go over the top” Said Janson. There are much easier and safer ways to shop this Black Friday and holiday season like shopping online or making sure to be extremely safe by not going on very busy shopping days and making sure to take the precautions to be safe while shopping in person.