Does Gaming Bring People Further Apart?

Do video games help, hurt, or make relationships?

Video games are games you play on an electronic device.  They are mostly fun, enjoyable, and easy to get to know how to play.  You can also play online video games which makes it easy to play with other people around the world.  There are many popular online games that you may have heard of, such as Call of Duty, Minecraft, or Fortnite.  Many people play them and there are even tournaments held around them for money.  Most of the time games become popular because you tubers play them, but sometimes the word gets passed around that a game is really fun and people flock from one game to another.  Video games also have an option to spend money on the game, but a lot of people don’t want to, and that is also great because most games also have a free to play option so that anyone can play the game.  Online games can help you talk to friends who moved away or people you don’t see to often most of the time they don’t bring people further apart.  They bring people closer together.


I believe that video games bring people closer together and helps you meet new people who may be interested in the same things as you or just likes to play the game that you like.  No matter who you are there will most likely be a game out there for you and other people out there who enjoy the same game that you can meet(if it’s an online game). Video games can also help you keep in touch with friends that moved away or family that moved away.


Now you might be thinking that a lot of people on the internet don’t want to just have fun, they want to take money from you or hack you.  But really most people online just want to have fun playing fun games with other people and just enjoy themselves.  But there definitely is some people out there who do want to take your money or information, but most of the time you can tell who is trying to do bad things and can generally stay away from them pretty well.


There are also many games out there, so there is most likely one out there for everyone.  Whether you like violent video games or puzzle games, or even dolls.  There is a video game that you would like.  Some video games have an influence on your behavior.  For example violent video games make people more violent.  But that is actually scientifically disproven.  Although violent video games make you more susceptible to violence it doesn’t make all people who play them violent people.


Another thing that a lot of people think is that video games brainwashes you and makes it so that it is harder for you to have social interactions.  But I feel that it is quite different, I feel that if you meet people through games and either talk through game chat or discord it makes it easier to talk to people real life.


Those are the main reasons that video games can bring people closer together.  By having fun and talking through game chat or a different voice chat app or website it helps you keep in touch with friends and also meet new people.  And so if you think that people should stop playing video games due to them not getting any social interaction think again because they could be meeting new people or keeping in touch with old friends.