Regis Rocket Science

Rockets created by the introduction to rocket science class

“It’s not rocket science!”, well in this case it actually is. This year Regis began to offer two new rocket science classes, Introduction into Rocket Science and Advanced Rocket Science. These classes are taught by Mr. Greg Arend, a former rocket scientist from the United Launch Alliance. Students learn the principles of rocket propulsion, the physics of motion, and the various engineering and technological aspects of rocket science. One of the biggest elements of this class is the final project of creating your own rocket. The students get 6 weeks to put together and decorate their rockets. Kami Kelly ‘23 explained that they “3D design in a CAD simulation” and “modify and add to a kit” to create their rockets. Once the rockets were done, teachers and their students were invited to judge the designs and pick their favorite one. With Disney inspired rockets to rockets that would blend in with the stars, this was no easy task. In the end senior Kami Kelly won with her sage green rocket featuring a picture of everyone’s favorite math teacher, Mr.Ortiz. A few days later it was time to put the rockets to the ultimate test. The students headed up to Pueblo to launch their rockets. By the end of the semester these students had learned so much and are on their way to becoming real rocket scientists.