Raving At RJ

Brogan Hannon looks to make some quality music and further his career through the DJ Club.


Have you ever been bored by the same old music and wished you could make your own? With the DJ club at Regis Jesuit you can learn how to produce music and how to DJ.

Brogan Hannon is a senior attending Regis Jesuit and is one of the clubs moderators that loves to make music. “I would love to do music production as a career, that is currently my goal,” said Brogan.

There was a DJ club 3 years ago during Brogan’s freshmen year. When he was a sophomore the club died off. Brogan and one of his DJ buddies, Tim, decided to start the club back up last year. “Tim and I,” said Brogan, “Decided to make it a club for both DJ’s and music production.”

Ryan Zharinger, a freshmen, attended the club fair and said the music was energetic and elevated the mood. “I think the reason most people sign up at the start is that they think the music we play at the club fair is cool and fun to dance to,” said Brogan, “It is not very hard to learn as long as you practice and have a relatively decent sense of rhythm and general music knowledge.” The DJ club attracted some of the most attention at the club fair.

“Producing music and DJ-ing are two completely separate things, which I think a lot of people don’t get,” said Brogan. To DJ or produce music you need a DAW, a digital audio workshop, and a good pair of headphones.

EDM, electronic dance music, has slowly risen in popularity, for example, Swedish House Mafia’s hit song “Don’t You Worry Child” was in the Billboard Top 100 in 2013. “There is a small amount of people I know who listen to EDM, but it is still relatively a new thing,” said Brogan.

One of Brogan’s biggest DJ idols is Porter Robinson. His favorite song is “Divinity” by Porter Robinson. He has seen Porter Robinson in concert too. “The environment at EDM concerts is very welcoming in general. The majority of people there are extremely nice and helpful, and the shows are just fun to dance at and have a good time,” said Brogan.

Even though the DJ-ing at the back to school dance, If Brogan could DJ anywhere in the world, he said he would want to DJ at RedRocks. “That is the best venue in the world, it would be amazing to play there,” said Brogan.

Even though Brogan is just in the DJ club, you might want to keep a watch out for him, because you never know, Brogan Hannon could be the next Porter Robinson.