RJ Media: The People Behind the Scene

Interview with Mr Dawkins about RJ Media
RJ Media is a student run company supported by Mr Dawkins. They produce our Magazine, Sports Newtwork, Radio Show, and much more. Their goal is to create the best quality reading and viewing experience for its audience.
RJ Media (a student run company) is broken into a couple of branches. RJ Media is the head, with RJ Spots Network, RJTV, RJ Radio and Elevate Magazine underneath. RJ Media has been at Regis Jesuit in some form for over a 100 years. Four years ago it was given the name RJ Media. RJ Media is located in the Steele Center in the Journalism room. RJ Media was started with the goal of creating the best quality publications for their viewers.
Mr. Dawkins, the current faculty advisor, says “I don’t like to see myself as the head of it. I like to see what I encourage and what I think is starting to develop is that the student editors as the head of it. it is their company. it is their publication.”
His goal is not to be the leader but to create and support the future leaders in making it their company. By doing this, it leaves all the decisions in the editors hands. Not for the teacher to chose, but them.
Since RJ Media is student run there are selected leaders within each individual group. Tyler Ballinger – Head of RJTV Sports Network, Nathan Shuts – Head of RJTV. Colin Byrne – Editor and Chief of Elevate Magazine, and John Diaz – Co-Editor of RJ Radio.
Colin Byrne, who runs Elevate Magazine, has one goal. “I want to create a award winning magazine,” said Colin who started with RJ Media as a freshman as did many of the Editors, but didn’t get deeply involved until junior year. “My junior year I was made Editor in Chief of RJ Magazine,” Said Colin.
RJ Magazine changed its name to Elevate Magazine in recent years. The third issue of 2015 was released on Thursday December 10, 2015. Copies are available in the Steele Center or Tradition Hall in the boys division.
Tyler Ballinger is the head of RJTV Sports Network (read the full article here). They are responsible for filming and broadcasting sports games of the Varsity teams. No prior training is needed to join the Sports Network. Instead, you learn on the job. “For commentating, you don’t really need skills that much. What is nice is that we have a lot of upperclassmen in the club as well,” said Tyler. So the knowledge is passed down from year to year.
“We will teach you. You can come and shadow and we can show you what to do,” said Tyler. “You don’t need any experience to join this club you will learn from the experience.”
“It is by the students for the students,” said Dawkins. “Once you can grow in journalism, you can grow into the leaders and change RJ Media for the better.”
Learning how to operate the broadcasting side of RJ Sports may be a challenge at first but I will become easier every time. “Setting up really varies on the sport and how long it takes to set up,” said Tyler.
Tyler plans on using in journalism for what he wants to do after he graduates high school but not directly. “I would like to be a head baseball scout and work with high schoolers,” said Tyler.
You don’t have to follow a path of Journalism even if you are an editor. RJ Media will not change your career path but it will open up new possibilities.
Nathan Shuts is the current executive producer of RJTV. As many of the editors, he started his freshman year.
“I did a lot of video work back in middle school, so then coming into here it kinda just worked out,” Said Nathan.
He started not in RJTV, but RJ Media in general. He had more experience than most of the editors at first. Nathan has started producing a news show that will be aired every Friday. “We want to get broadcasted through the whole school at the end of the day,” Said Nathan. The show will be video announcements with two anchors, a couple of news pieces and an entertainment piece.
There are plans that are hopped to be accomplished very soon. Nathan has many plans for the future of RJTV, so tune in to see the latest on RJTV.
Currently RJ Media is a growing company, with many new series appearing. “You don’t have to be a senior to lead a program,” said Dawkins.
RJ Media isn’t just for juniors and seniors. It is for anyone who wants to experience real journalism. Mr Dawkins is interested in many things he sees his students do. “My favorite part is when I see the students going to the scene and telling stories, ” said Dawkins. RJ Media is looking for anyone interested in journalism or videography.
RJ Media has many Editors that will be graduating the end of the 2015-2016 school year. Since so many of the editors are graduating Mr Dawkins told us what it is like being a part of RJ Media. “Being a RJ Reporter or Editor has taught them about life, even if they don’t follow a journalism career it still has prepared them for college and life.”
Working with RJ Media inspires people. For more information please contact Mr. Dawkins about learning journalism or just getting involved.
“We are always looking for hardworking students who are passionate about telling the stories of their community, investigating issues and, well, being real journalists. It is a lot of fun,” said Dawkins. You are the future and you can make a difference.