By Nick Occhipinti ‘22
The grind never stops for Logan Hilliard, no off season for him. Right from football to wrestling. Maybe a week to recover from the long football season. Right when you get out of school to 6 o’clock, whatever weather, he was out there working. Most players stop after football, the only difference is Logan didn’t stop, he kept going.
Wrestling just ended and Logan is now experiencing what it is like to go home right after school and relax, not having to worry about after school responsibilities.
“I’m getting my homework done and my social life is starting to return,” he said.
Being out until six each night with a few hours of homework is hard. Logan says it was hard not getting that much sleep and worrying about homework when he got home. But Logan is used to working hard to achieve his goals.

By Nick Occhipinti ‘22
“All the coaches said that wrestling would make you a better football player and I want to expend my career in football. So I thought I would try it. I really want to make varsity next year so I am trying to do everything I can,” said Logan.
Logan thinks that because of him doing wrestling he will do so much better for football next year. He had a record of 10-5 having a match mostly every week, maybe two times a week. He mostly played for the JV team but occasionally he moved up to varsity to play with the big boys.
But Let’s go back to Creek Red Nation, the best youth football league in the state of Colorado. They traveled all over the country and recruited the best players in all of Colorado. This team is hard to get on to and once your on it, your in for a whooping.
“You have to have the mental mindset,” Logan says.
There are a few players from creek red nation that attend Regis Jesuit and they all are tough players with great mindsets. Logan being one. Creek was one of the reason that Logan attended Regis Jesuit . Football is family for some people. There are benefits to have played for Creek and RJ football. Your carry the same toughness.
“The conditioning part of the practice is always hard and I have to keep myself in shape. It pretty fun but hard.” according to Logan
Logan experienced have the same coach for two sports, wrestling and football. Having played I know what coach Bieshaar is like. Asking Logan took him a second. Spending that much time with someone puts a caring perspective on them.
“Me and Bieshaar have created a good relationship. He’s a good guy and a great coach,” said Hilliard.
Wrestling takes a lot of grit, you need people to help you get through it. Through the tough and the easy times.
“The conditioning part of the practice is always hard and I have to keep myself in shape. It pretty fun but hard,” said Logan.
Logan says that Bieshaar helped him through both seasons.,co)/jv-wrestling/home.htm