US braces for Upsurge of COVID-19 Cases after Thanksgiving


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COVID-19 cases in America are suspected to peak after the holiday weekend, despite recommended guidelines for travel and group gatherings.

Cases in the US reached a record height, one day after Thanksgiving, with 205,460 new Covid-19 cases in a single day, and that number will only continue to skyrocket.

“What we expect, unfortunately, as we go for the next couple of weeks into December, is that we might see a surge superimposed on the surge we are already in,” Dr. Anthony Fauci told NBC news Sunday.

The holidays this year are expected to have a substantial effect on the spread of the Coronavirus.

“I worry that the Thanksgiving Day surge will then just add into what will become the Christmas surge,” Michael Osterholm, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, told CNN.

Following recommendations from doctors will help to slow the spread of COVID-19.

The Center for Disease Control recommends to, “Wear a mask, stay at least 6 feet apart, avoid crowds, and wash your hands often.”

There is hope for the future though, with many effective vaccines waiting to be approved by the FDA. The company behind the one of the vaccines, Moderna reported,“The vaccine candidate is 94.1% effective against COVID-19 and 100% effective against severe COVID-19,”