The $1.9 trillion Coronavirus Relief package’s Effect on Private Schools

$4.2 Billion will be given to private schools like Regis to help combat Covid-19


Ben Torres

Covid-19 vaccine being distributed to health-care workers

President Joe Biden is already starting to tackle the pandemic with a $1.9 trillion plan to fight Covid-19, including support for schools in Denver.  

Schools have a lot of freedom on what they can spend the money on. Including mental health services, cleaning supplies, building upgrades, after school programs, and technology to support remote learning. 

Rebecca Sibilia, the previous leader of EdBuild, a school funding group, says this freedom is key to the bill’s efficacy. 

“School leaders have to address the needs of their individual schools,” Sibilia says. 

This relief package may help schools open up full time by providing money for safety measures like ventilation systems. Regis has already installed a new ventilation system,  but other schools in the metro area will now have the opportunity to do so,  too. 

President Joe Biden is prioritizing the safety of teachers. 

“Teachers just want to work in a safe environment and as safely as we can make it. And we should be able to open up every school.” 

This means increased funding for PPE or protective equipment. 

“I am taking responsibility and giving states, cities, tribes, and territories the personal protection equipment they need.” Biden said. 

The new Covid-19 vaccine has been approved and is being distributed to Americans. In the state of Colorado teachers are considered a vaccine priority group. The vaccine is 90-95% effective. In Biden’s relief package vaccine distribution is being funded and being made more accessible so that educators, including Regis staff will have access to the vaccine. 

Dr. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, said “The Biden Harris administration will spare no effort to make sure people get vaccinated

This $1.9 trillion relief package may be the thing the U.S. needed to beat Covid-19, like Dr, Fauci said “There will be an end to this, and we will be able to get back to normal.”