The Forgotten Front Line Workers

Caregivers Working together in the Midst of the Pandemic (Visiting Angels Living Assistant Services)

In recent times we have all learned the importance of essential workers – medical professionals, postal service workers, teachers, etc. – whose jobs are crucial to maintaining a functioning society. But this pandemic has not shed light on the millions of caregivers whose jobs are just as crucial but undervalued in our country.

Our country needs to appreciate, support, and recognize the work that these millions of caregivers are doing to keep our family members and friends, happy, healthy, and safe.

Millions of caregivers are not getting the payment, safety precautions, and recognition they deserve in the COVID-19 pandemic, and that needs to change.

Similar to the higher paid doctors and nurses they work in conjunction with, these caregivers are risking their lives every day for the sake of their patients, but with far less recognition and a significantly lower salary or even no salary at all. The first step for caregivers to become equal with doctors and nurses is being paid more than 15 dollars an hour, the national average. Compared to nurses’ 35 dollars and doctor’s 100 dollars an hour, caregivers’ salaries need to start measuring up. To reflect how much time they spend away from home and their families and risking their health in a pandemic, they deserve more than 15 dollars an hour.

These people have done so much throughout this pandemic, and they deserve to be recognized as what they are: essential. They have been working ever since COVID-19 began. When we knew nothing about this virus or what its capabilities were, caregivers were out doing their job. The title “essential” grants many benefits such as vaccine access, financial relief, access to masks and other sanitary supplies, and more. Having access to these kinds of benefits would tremendously help caregivers’ health, safety, and financial situation. Between having to quarantine from loved ones for the sake of their patients, lack of access to life-saving protective equipment, and how necessary their presence and health is for their patients, I would say that they deserve these benefits.

These workers also deserve our support to keep them going in this difficult time. Many of these caregivers rave about how much they love what they do, yet few say they feel respected or appreciated by society. Many don’t understand the importance or value of having caregivers.  It can be hard to continue to work hard and push through trying times when there are feelings of being expendable. For all that they do for our community, as well as family members and friends, we should support these workers and make them feel as though they are valued. They put their life on the line and they do not warrant feeling overlooked.

Many people don’t realize that it is quite an undertaking and it is a very time-consuming job, especially during this pandemic. Critics may say these caregivers don’t have as many responsibilities as other healthcare professionals but this could not be more false. In addition to caring for their health and safety, they form bonds and relationships with their patients. It also requires a great deal of training. To be a medical caregiver you have to be educated in safety information, emergency response, and other elements of diet and exercise that are specific to each patient. The caregivers meet the receivers where he or she is and go beyond just meeting their medical needs.

Now when we think of essential workers, not just doctors, and nurses, but caregivers as well should come to mind. This simply starts with acknowledging what they do and appreciating why they do it and who’s lives they are protecting.

Get rid of the assumptions that being a caregiver is not a difficult or time-consuming job worthy of praise, and start viewing this profession as something that takes bravery, dedication, and patience.