Regis Jesuit Girls varsity soccer was faced with a hard season competing against top ranking school like Cherry Creek and Arapahoe. However that didn’t stop them from fighting their way through the season and ended with a 5-1 win against Douglas County.
On May 5 at Douglas County High school Regis, with high spirits, swept the field with their determination and ended their six-game drought. Freshmen Charlotte Barfield got the chance to play with varsity after proving herself on JV. She made her self apparent to the coaches after scoring her first varsity goal. Sophomores Ellasyn Bailey and Annabelle Turner also made a name for themselves by both scoring. Junior Nora Sheirbon proved her spot on varsity with her 15th goal of the season. Sienna Passaglia was not the only junior who made herself know by scoring, but also got the attention of the varsity captains and was awarded next year’s varsity captain.
Although faced with a difficult season, the girls overcame the hardship with their strong sense of community. Many of the plays stated the soccer team was like a second family to them. Their teammates making it worth going to the six am practices and the freezing cold games. The amazing display of community can be seen through out the season with team lunches and team bonding games. Senior Kate Thompson mentioned how the team began doing their old traditions again to keep the moral up. One of her favorites was ending every practice with a game of soccer tennis.