Freshman Friday: Drew & Matt Bergeon

Left to Right: Matthew Bergeon, Drew Bergeon

Meet Drew and Matt Bergeon, freshman twins from Cresthill Middle School. Drew chose Regis Jesuit because the ability to challenge his mind; while being in a comfortable environment.

Like most people Drew’s favorite part of the day is academic support also known as cookie time. Drew also enjoys reflecting on the day during the examen after the busy lunch which his brother Matthew likes the most, along with the teachers around him, “I like the lunch how it’s a lot longer, and I like how the teachers care a lot about us and how we are doing,” Matt said.

The reason Matt came to Regis Jesuit was to have the ability to openly talk about religion “without being hindered by the world.”Matt said. You can find both boys at investment club, Drew also takes part in card playing club.

When asked where they would go if the could go anywhere Drew said he would visit Italy ” I would probably go to Italy because there is just so many cool things I keep discovering new things about that place,” Drew says “I would go to Rome, and the Vatican.”

When Matt was asked the same question he had a more unusual answer, “I think it would be fun to go to Antarctica and see what’s it’s like to be in the cold since its deserted,” Matt said.