Seniors to Vote in 2016 Presidential Election


“I feel like it’s my duty as an American to vote,” says senior Miguel Brito-Mariani. Along with nearly all the seniors at Regis Jesuit High School (excluding those who are too young or not official citizens of the US), Miguel will be eligible to vote by next November. With the Presidential Election of 2016 nearly a year away, it is important that the seniors are informed on which side to take and which candidate to support.

In order to stay up-to-date with the presidential candidates, some seniors pay attention to several news sources.

“I listen to a lot of NPR, CNN, and Fox,” explains senior Matt LaRouche. He believes that learning news from a variety of sources helps him develop an unbiased view of the election.

In 2012, over 100 million votes were cast in the presidential election. If there are so many votes, then what difference will the individual students’ votes make? This is a question that many Americans think about when they vote, including the students at RJ. Senior Dominick Deane feels strongly about the topic.

“We all have our opinions, and we’re all entitled to a piece of the government… This is a democracy for crying out loud! Each of us should vote because we [as the citizens] control the government,” said Deane.

Deane’s advice to his fellow senior classmates is to stay informed, watch the news, and take advantage of your rights as an American to vote.

For those looking to find information on the 2016 Presidential Election, here is a list of major candidates:


Hilary Clinton

Bernie Sanders


Jeb Bush

Ben Carson

Donald Trump