Sneakerhead Sunday’s: Zach Meade ’17

Zach Meade ’17 wearing his Legend Blue 11s

RJ Media reporters Kiahn Martinez ’19 and Luke Armatas ’19 coming back with another article for RJ Media, known as “Sneakerhead Sundays.” Every week Kiahn and Luke talk to a new “sneakerhead,” a shoe aficionado behind the exclusive hobby of collecting shoes.

This week we sit down with Zach Meade, a junior, varsity football player, with by far the best heat on campus. Almost all of his shoes are Jordan’s making his game that more exclusive. With Meade, “shoe game,” a grading of how good your sneaker collection is, isn’t just a game… but a passion.
Q: What brands do you wear the most? What is the significance of that brand?

Jordan, because Michael Jordan is my favorite basketball player, they also look good on feet. Along with Jordan’s I like to wear a couple Nike’s.

Q: What do you think when you see a shoe on campus that you want or like as a sneaker head?

I got to say what’s up to the kid, and ask him what size he wears. There are not to many kids that are 15 and 16 that are in to shoes. We all know who we are and we can recognize who knows shoes and who doesn’t.

Q: What shoes go on campus and outside of campus? What shoes would you wear to school?

I like to wear everything to school. Although, I do wear my more beat up shoes to school and then wear my nicer shoes on the weekend.

Q: Do the shoes always need to match the outfit? If so why?

No they don’t, shoes speak for themselves most of the time.

Q: Do your shoes relate to the sports you relate? What shoes and what sport?

No, I play football, and I just started playing rugby, when all I really wear are Jordan’s

Zach Meade comes to school and leaves school every week with premiere heat. Having nearly 50 some shoes, he could go down as the best sneakerhead Regis has ever seen. Amount of shoes isn’t everything… but what shoes you have. Stay tuned for more excitement on shoes.

If you have a supreme shoe collection feel free to leave a comment to be interviewed next.