The Path of Caleb Sloan

His typical fans are always behind the home plate dish when he throws. 8 to more scouts all pointing their radar guns at him just before he releases his pitch. 97! They quickly write down the pitch, velocity, and the location. This has become the norm every time Caleb Sloan takes the mound for the raiders.

A 6’3 haas for the Regis Jesuit baseball team, Caleb Sloan has quickly become one of the most sought after right handed pitchers in Colorado. A fast ball that sits 94-96 and tops out at 97, a slider that is 85 to 86 and a change up that sits between 79 and 82. Drawing interest from big time baseball teams his junior year like Arizona State University, University of Arizona, Arkansas, and TCU. Sloan decided to go with his roots.

“I have a lot of family in Fort Worth, and it was an awesome place and the academics are incredible!” Sloan said. Not only are the academics phenomenal but the baseball team is second to none. Currently ranked number 6 in the nation the TCU baseball team has made three consecutive college World Series appearances.

Even though the path was never clear for Sloan Raised by a family who bleeds football he would use his athleticism to lead the Regis Jesuit football team in sacks to go along with 36 tackles in the 2016 season. Following the 2016 football season he knew which sport would bring him more success. ” I knew it was time to give up football my junior year when I started getting calls from people who wanted me to play for their college and I knew it was time to take baseball more serious.” Caleb said.

Sloan rightfully so choose the right path. Getting calls from all major league teams, taking questionnaires, and having interviews with major league scouts. Putting aside the football offers from South Dakota State, Colorado School Of Mines, and Wyoming. But with all success comes adversity, something Sloan had to deal with this past fall.

Formally ranked in the top 10 of all high school draft prospects over the summer, he took a blow this past fall. Sloan went on to add that he didn’t have a great fall ball season. Thus causing him to drop in stock from top 10 to 89 out of all draft eligible high school players and college players. “It was a huge blow to my family and I but in the end I can either let the rank sit as is or use it as motivation to get that rank back up!” He said.

So far he’s done exactly that! Coming into the season the expectations were low for the 2017 Regis Jesuit baseball team, but Caleb saw something real special. ” I knew we were going to be very young this year, but after the team lock in I started to notice how good our team chemistry is, and that itself can take us a long way!”

It’s fair to say the team chemistry is helping the raiders this year. Currently ranked number 7 going into districts, Caleb Sloan is in front of the pack. The Ace is 8-0 with a 2.15 ERA to go with 56 strikeouts. Causing opponents to only hit .213! He looks to lead his team to a state championship and show why Caleb Sloan is the number one prospect in Colorado.