Chance of reform for undocumented immigrants


When most people think of Mexico or other beautiful countries, they think of the beach and fancy hotels. The reality is that Mexico and many other countries that are similar are poor and corrupt. The living conditions are much worse for the average citizen which is the reason for so much immigration. Most “illegal” immigrants come to the states in search for a better life.

Most people can agree that the immigration system in the United States is broken. It is very difficult for undocumented immigrants to get jobs, especially high paying jobs. Becoming a citizen is even harder and in most cases, impossible. This has a big impact on families like mine.

The immigration system should implement a way or an opportunity of reform for undocumented immigrants to become citizens if they have no other criminal past or if they have a family.

A lot of people would be opposed to this mainly because of misinformation. Many say that immigrants are dangerous and criminals. Although there are exceptions, for the most part this is not true. There is evidence and research that opposes this frequent misconception. In the article What are the possibilities for immigration reform in the United States?, Caitlin-Marie ward writes that a study “showed that native born Americans are overrepresented among those convicted of homicide as compared to both documented and undocumented immigrants.” She got this piece of evidence from a 2015 study in Texas. Most “illegal and criminal” immigrants are not dangerous nor criminals. Most of these immigrants are struggling families and parents that just want improved living conditions and a quality education for their children.

Unlike the common misconceptions of immigrants, they are actually beneficial for the economy. The demand for low skilled workers has grown over the past decades. The supply for these workers have diminished. The article Catholic Church’s Position on Immigration Reform states that “only 5,000 green cards are available annually for low-skilled workers to enter the United States laws fully to reside and work.” This is a very low amount for how much demand their is. The demand for workers is only increasing and the economy needs immigrant workers. If immigrant workers need the work and the economy needs the workers, why isn’t there a form of reform for undocumented immigrants looking for work?

The church has a stance on this immigration issue. The article Catholic Church’s Position on Immigration Reform provides two duties that a good government should carry out. The first duty is to “welcome the foreigner our of charity and respect for a human person” This duty means that a prosperous nation like the United States should welcome a “foreigner in search of security.” The second duty of a good government is to “secure one’s border and enforce the law for the sake of the common good.” This means that the nation has the right to enforce the law to keep security but the way things are right now oppose that. Many immigrants from Mexico die in their journey to the states. The government should provide security to the immigrants that better the economy of the country, not only out of respect, but also because it’s their right.

My family has struggled with this issue from before I was even born. My father is a citizen and my mother is undocumented. They grew up in Mexico and were destined to have their dreams crushed. The education system is horrible in Mexico and my parents, like most of their peers, didn’t have the opportunity to go to college. For them and for many others, the United States was their only option for a good life. They aren’t criminals nor dangerous. They are just two parents trying to give their children an opportunity they never had. To call these amazing people criminals and dangerous is a misinformed and ignorant statement.

Every family and every child should have their basic needs and rights met. When they do not have their basic rights, they fight for it like people in the civil rights movement. That is something admirable and deserving of some respect. Especially when they work for this country and provide for this country, they should not be called criminals or be denied of their basic needs and rights or be denied a chance of citizenship and reform.

These immigrants with families and no criminal record should have a chance at reform. These immigrants boost the economy, provide for the country, yet are called criminals and have no chance at reform. This is an injustice in our immigration system that has to change.

Many have started to try and change this broken system. A U.S Citizenship Act is in the works. This act will “provide pathways to citizenship & strengthen labor protections.” This act is a big step to the right direction when it comes to this matter.

George W. Bush has also made statements on this issue. He says that immigrants living in the U.S should be “brought out of the shadows through a gradual process in which legal residency and citizenship must be earned,” as stated in an article from USA Today by Matthew Brown.

Good change is happening towards fixing the issue at hand but there is still much to work for. People must advocate for change and make it happen by promoting change. For example the USSCCB has posted its position on this and offered ways of reform that could be implemented into the system. We must keep helping promote change and these organizations. We must help spread correct information and stop the misinformation out there. We must help these families in need.