One More Week: Some Tips on Studying For Finals

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It’s that time of the year again.

Finals are just around the corner, and with these tests comes the pressure of finishing the semester on a high note. So without further adieu, here’s 5 tips on studying for finals.

1. Prioritize the tests that matter the most.

Commit more time to the tests that need it. If you’re really good at math, spend less time focusing on it and more time focusing on a more difficult subject.

2. Find out what the test covers.

It’s always a good idea to talk to your teachers about the test beforehand. Many will be willing to give you pointers on what the final will focus on. Doing this can prevent you from wasting time studying topics that will not be on the test.

3. Learn how YOU study best.

There isn’t one tried and true study method. Everyone learns a different way, and that’s why it’s important to make sure you study the way that works best for you.

4. Take a break.

After studying for an hour, take a 5 minute break to eat a snack or walk around. This can help retain information and give you a mental break, allowing you to return to your studies refreshed.

5. Know when to stop studying and when to go to sleep.

Around 12-24 hours before a final, stop studying for it. Continuing to study past that point will only confuse you. Flashcards are a good alternative in the hours before the test, and reviewing them can help you earn a few extra points. In addition, make sure to get 8 hours of sleep before finals. The sleep will help you relax and lock in the information you have been studying.