When we Don’t Want a Snow Day

During finals week students don’t want a snow day


Usually when the Weather Channel comes on and starts taking about heavy snow in Colorado kids everywhere jump for joy. But, this week, on Tuesday which is the first day of finals, kids pray that there will be no snow day.
Kids from all grades are hoping that there won’t be a snow day so they can get finals over with as soon as they can. John Drosdick, a current freshman at RJ, said, “Well I feel that I don’t want a snow day because the sooner I get these finals done, the sooner do whatever I want. I can play some 2k, I can go to the new Star Wars movie opening night..!”
Other students don’t want their studying to go to waste. Conner Pettit, another current freshman, says”I think it just puts me at an inconvenience, because I’ve studied so much, and I just want it to be over with, I don’t want it to be prolonged any longer.”
Others really want a snow day so they don’t have to come to school. Jaime, a junior said, ” I have not Ina’s scheduled for Thursday so if we have snow day I have to be here on Thursday,so definitely no snow day.”
A snow calculator app has stated the there is a 66% chance of snow day Tuesday. This does not look good for RJ students and hopefully the snow plows and other factors can help us get to school.