RJTV Presents: Life Is A Dream

The horoscope of the infant Prince, Segismund, convinces the Polish King, Basilio, that Segismund is destined to bring dishonor on Poland and downfall to his father, Basilio. He therefore announces that Segismund has died with his mother in birth. Confined in a tower, deep in the rocky fastnesses of the frontier, Segismund grows to manhood chained like an animal to a ring in the floor, guarded under direction of Basilio’s confidential general, Clotaldo.

Cast and crew:

Leading roles

Segismundo: Steven Szachara
Rosaura: Dana Mackin
Clarin: Reilly Hilbert
Basilio: Hunter Gause
Clotaldo: Tim Toole
Astolfo: Andrew Jacobsohn
Estrella: Kalina Reichert

Understudy roles

Rosaura: Kate Anderson
Clarin: Abby Lease
Basilio: Connor Sullivan
Clotaldo: Jorge A. Palacios
Astolfo: Thomas Koenigs
Estrella: Grady Foster


Chris Dillon, Nicolas Cordova, Brooke Fisseha, Gabe Holt-Jones, Max Stern, Will Thompson, Cole Kromer, Andres Espineira, Addison Gallegos, Megan Jones, Chandler Kuster, Amanda Mitchell, Maggie O’Hagan, Jenna Quirk, Emily Schaaf, Katie Yeager, Alexis Wilderman, Annamaria Smith, Caitlyn Tyree, Brielle Pray, Nora Gentile, Dianna Morton, Gabriela Barrios, Lydia Davidson, Belle Farmer, Andrea Gaccetta