Freshman Friday: Quinn Smith
Arizona – home of the Grand Canyon, the Diamondbacks, and freshman Quinn Smith.
It’s not easy to move to a new state and its especially difficult when it occurs at a transitory point in one’s life, such as starting high school. But Smith is handling the change very well and she attributes much of this to the a Regis community and the friends she has made.
She says her favorite part of RJ is, “is all of the people and all the opportunities to meet new people.”
And she has met plenty of people. As she walks down the hallway, it is a constant string of hello’s, hey’s and everything in between. In fact she calls her spirit animal a turtle because she is a slow walker, but it’s hard to be quick with all those greetings to give and conversations to have! One reason Smith has been able to create this community of friends is because of her involvement in the volleyball team at Regis, but it is mostly due to her big smile and welcoming personality.
In fact, having a positive attitude is something that has always been an important goal for Smith and her family. Smith says that in addition to picking Regis for the academics she also chose to come here for the tools it would give her to be a “successful and good person.” This type of outlook is at the center of being a woman with and for others, a goal for students throughout their four years at Regis.
But she’s not always so serious. In fact, one of the dominating characteristics of her personality is her goofiness. One example that many people don’t know about is her absolute love of lollipops. “For my 13th birthday my best friend bought me 500 dumb dumbs.” Smith says, “It only took me a month to finish them.”
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LaRita Smith • Dec 11, 2015 at 7:40 pm
This is such a wonderful article on Quinn! But then, it is no surprise, because she is becoming a amazing young lady! In knowing her since she was a little girl, it has been a pleasure in watching her grow up, and do great things, as her mother before her! As her “other Auntie” I am so proud of her, in all she does, great job, love you Quinn! 🙂