Freshman Friday: Abby Loveland

Freshman Abby Loveland

Abby Loveland is known for her athleticism and skills on the field, but it is her humor that predominates her personality when she walks off the turf. Her field hockey coach, Mark Lewis, described her as “definitely the most entertaining player” at this past annual field hockey banquet and she continues to bring a smile to all of her friend’s faces as they sit eating lunch together. It’s not hard to catch her mid-laugh or cracking a joke. When asked what her spirit animal was she initially responds with a joke saying, “Oh, definitely Lauren” who is her friend from the field hockey team and next-door neighbor at the lunch table, only to continue with the equally ambiguous answer – “Elephants.” This quirky sense of humor is what makes Loveland a welcome presence in all of her activities and a breath of fresh air in any group.

It’s not all fun and games, though, as this busy girl says that her numerous activities and demanding schedule make it hard to find time for homework. Between indoor and outdoor field hockey, Special Olympics, and Random Acts of Kindness as well as track in the spring, it is easy to see where all the time goes, but she doesn’t let it get her down. Instead she embraces the Regis community and all the opportunities it presents to her and is not shy about showing her love for the sisterhood. On two different occasions, Loveland emphatically announced that her community and her teammates were her favorite part of the Regis Jesuit experience so far and even though it was a family tradition to come to Regis in the first place, she has not regretted her decision one bit.

Listen for Loveland’s contagious laugh and witty jokes next time you join the crowds at a field hockey game!

Check out past Freshman Fridays –

Claire Fitzgerald 

Lauren Basilico

Michelle Valdez

Also, be sure to check out the past stories about field hockey –

Semi finals 

What to watch for 

Overview of season

Claire Stemper: field hockey goalie recruit